When we think of the first Bali art and cultural destinations, immediately the tourist mecca of Ubud springs to mind. For those treading the art card, the well-known museums Puri Lukisan, Neka and ARMA (Agung Rai Museum of Art) displays fine collections of traditional Balinese art, with a little modern and contemporary Indonesian art.
In the landscape of the evolving art of Ubud, galleries and art spaces come and go. The economy boom of the post-2008 Indonesian art has taken its toll and led to the closure of some renowned art galleries in Bali.
In recent years, however, initiatives, private and trained artists - art spaces - operating outside of the model of the mall, have become essential art infrastructure behind the development of contemporary art on the island
Attracting non-commercial and experimental artists thriving on dialogue and creativity, art spaces are connected on social media (vital for the new paradigm of arts organizations connecting the 24/7 to the world community, a premium to the wealth of information available on the Internet). You can consult them via or Instagram before arrival, and maps will help you find the location.
Two Ubud icons should be mentioned: Contemporary Sika
Fifteen minutes north of Ubud, Jalan Sri Wedari, Junjungan, on the right side in the rice fields, look out for the big white installation "Not For Sale". Balinese owner, social activist and artist Gede Sayur with his friends established Luden House in 2009. Committed to art with a social and environmental conscience, Luden began as a gallery space and support the development of contemporary art through exhibitions , workshops and events
Luden House Ubud |. Photo courtesy of Richard Horstman
Not for Sale evolved in 2010 in response to the alarming rate of Balinese farm land sold for development and has since grown into a popular social movement, which got in scoring Luden House on the map Bali. When Luden family are not organize events, often to children, they are painting or creating art products and wearables products for sale, with a percentage of sales go to associations of local sustainable farmers.
OData Cata Exhibition 2015 | Cata Photo courtesy OData
In Penestanan, Cata OData introduced a new model of infrastructure in Bali, combining the artist and the management of the gallery, programs residence and workshops as well as exhibitions and a community space for discussions and workshops. Founded in 2014, the space is the result of two characters and East Javanese dedicated workers: Ratna OData and Djunaidi Kenyut. Kenyut has several years experience as an exhibiting artist, event management and spaces in Bali and Surabaya. He and OData promote Indonesian artists based in the east of Java and Bali, while encouraging connections and world trade.
Upcoming events include the artist 'Bare Journal # 3' in the residency program. This requires participating artists to create a daily newspaper, with their thoughts, ideas and sketches. These are then exposed alongside their work to inspire deeper levels of connectivity between artists and the community, while giving an overview of the machinations of the mind of the artist. Periodically, they provide housing for those who are curious to know more about this young art space and its operation.
Space Ketemu Project | Photo courtesy Ketemu Space Project
The husband and wife team of Balinese artist Budi Agung Kuswara and Singaporean artist Samantha Tio Ketemu Project Space reader Batu Bulan, 30 minutes south of Ubud. Dedicated to engage a wider audience and individual sectors of the public space, Ketemu embarks on major design projects in their local, national and regional networks. Invite artists and curators to participate in their residency program artists in 2016 Ketemu project Merayakan Murni promises to be a landmark event. The occasion will celebrate one of the most important female artists of Indonesia, Balinese painter I GAK Murniasih (1966-2006), which helped to forge new thematic motifs and Indonesian Balinese art. The project brings together artists and writers to create works in response to the legacy of Murni and culminate in an exhibition in July.
Titian Art Space | Photo courtesy of Richard Horstman
Launched on January 29 at the 80 e anniversary influential collective Pita Maha artists Titian Foundation Bali Art Space located in Jalan Bisma Titian, Ubud. Driven by a revolutionary vision of Balinese art on local and global scene, the Chairman of the Advisory Board of Yayasan Titian Bali, Soemantri Widagdo said, "Titian Bali is founded in an effort to" reframe "the potential of visual arts with Balinese the belief that to thrive, they must be integrated into a creative economy. "Aiming to be the leading hub for Balinese visual arts in 2021, Yayasan Titian Bali is building a new ecosystem for Balinese art to 21 st century through education and new ways of engagement
in brief:. Ubud Art Spaces
OData Cata
Call: 62 81212126096
Email: cataodata @ gmail.com
Website: www.cataodata.com
Location: in front of the Pura Dalem temple in Penestanan Kelod, Ubud. Look for the large white building on the left.
Features: quarterly exhibitions and random fiery rallies. The place on three levels is always open and welcoming. Visit their online store for art products and wearables: www.arcimisi.com
Titian Bali Art Space
Call 62 82214400200
Email: swidagdo@yayasantitianbali.org
Website: www.titianartspace.com
Location: Jalan Bisma not. 88, Ubud. Travel down at the end of Jalan Bisma and seek aqua blue building on the left side.
Features: An experimental playground and global launch pad for talented young Balinese artists. Supported by local and international foundations with members whose experience is incomparable. On display in the gallery is a part of traditional art and contemporary Balinese most beautiful of the island.
Ketemu Project Space
Call: 62 82144097060
Email: @ meet ketemuprojectspace.com
Website: www.ketemuprojectspace.com
Location: Perumahan Taman Asri not. 3A, Batu Bulan, Gianyar. Head east 500 meters along Jalan Batuyang on the right look for the entrance Perumahan Taman Asri.
Features: A knowledgeable and professional team, with a compact and comfortable installation. regular events open to the public. Out to raise the bar on what is possible within its spaces leads to Bali.
Luden House
Call: 62 8122772137
Email: gedesayur @ yahoo.co.uk
Location :. Jalan Sri Wedari, Junjungan, Ubud
Features: Experience of popular local art that brings social and environmental awareness in the front. Regular events - large and small - a good time is always guaranteed. Caution for the Balinese soon-to-open warung delicious local specialties.