Shafa, Eve and Noah Shaping Cheeseburgers
small hands are a big help and enjoy the children eat their recipe creations.
Chubby hands held a measuring cup, ready to throw in more flour that his agitated brother. The elder read the recipe aloud while the baby broke the linoleum with a wooden spoon. Big brothers wore aprons dinosaurs, and little sister had a tea towel tucked in her sundress. This scenario is a good memory with my children. Yes, it was messy and noisy, but that is not the education of children? And while my youth had bread to mock or cookies, they also learned about math, chemistry and nutrition. The middle son graduated from culinary school and is now a leader in New York City. Best of all, each of my brood can cook.
the way of learning a around the kitchen and the basics of food preparation is a life skill. Such as breathing and sleeping, we must do every day, so why not get your kids in the kitchen? They generally eat what they liked to create, so keep fun. For younger children, there is a chance to practice a positive relationship to food as raw materials become meals. the elementary-age children to know about the process steps following the directions, measuring, mixing and baking, while teens grasp concepts such as meal planning and budgeting. If your child has special dietary needs, they can be taught to solve them. The whole family can be involved with field trips to fish or farmers' markets and pick-your-own farms to understand the sources of food.
It is essential to monitor children in the kitchen and offer them tools adapted to the age to ensure their safety. Offer good access to ladders or lowered surfaces, like the children's table. Stay-put silicone mat bowls stick up, and for preschoolers, stirring with chopsticks instead of spoons will keep the mess to a minimum. Small hands need to use butter knives and plastic knives, and when peeling vegetables, teach them to grow back. Keep gadgets to a minimum to gain skills in basic skills.
Young leader Academy Aprons
As you work together, children will gain an overall assessment of the food - its variety, healthy aspects and the work involved . It takes time and patience first to have children in the kitchen, but the disorder gets less with practice. It is also a great way to disarm the fateful hour before the evening meal.
At the Academy of young chef in Jakarta, children are grouped by age to learn the safety of the kitchen, food handling, preparation, cooking and baking skills, presentation, setting the table and mannerisms. On weekdays, Gori chief instructed three children, aged four to eight years. They took turns their authorized capacity, reading the recipe, measure ingredients and mix. As children plunged potato pieces in seasoned mayonnaise and breadcrumbs, the youngest boy laughed with joy, waving his fingers cornbread crumb. Every recipe needs a generous helping of good humor. Between steps, like real chefs, children washed their hands in the sink, and on. When the meal of cheeseburgers and fries seasoned stuffed was ready, the children set the table, then sat down to enjoy their meals.
Head of Gori often pasta in its cooking classes. "People do not realize how easy it is," he said, "just flour, egg and salt, and lots of fun to roll the dough and put it in the pasta machine." Breaks School classes in Kindercooks aged three to six years; Junior Chefs, aged seven to 12 years; Heads and senior citizens for 13 years or more. Anniversaries are often celebrated in the Academy young leader of a practice party set-up. Furthermore, orphanages and special needs of children are met in the kitchen.
Shafa Cracking eggs with the chef Gori
Now it's time to get greedy hands in the dough and to practice these skills with this recipe easy, suitable for students-schoolers.
Soft Pretzels
Soft Pretzels
3 ½ cups flour
4 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon of yeast dissolved in
1 cup water, (50 degrees-hot, not hot)
Kosher salt
Dip and egg wash:
1 cup water mixed with 2 tablespoons baking soda in a small bowl
Egg, beaten with 1 tsp H2O small bowl for washing
mix water and yeast, brown sugar and salt in a large mixing bowl. Let stand five minutes and bubble proof. Add flour and stir until dough is smooth. Add more if sticky. Cover with plastic wrap and let the bowl sit for an hour or more (even in the refrigerator overnight) to allow the dough to rise.
Divide the dough into 12 pieces on the counter. Roll each piece into a pencil cord. Shape dough into pretzel loop, the ends of twist and drape on low and place on parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Repeat with remaining pieces of dough. As pretzels rise for 45 minutes to double in size. Carefully dip each pretzel in a water solution of soda, then brush with egg. Sprinkle with kosher salt.
Bake the pretzels into the hot oven, 230 degrees for 12-15 minutes. Brush with melted butter, if desired.