Henry Lucman and business partner
in this issue of Indonesia Expat, we took an interest in the technology sector and conversed with Henry Lucman, director and co-owner of a repair shop tech startup specializing in Apple products, called Dr. Gadget.
How and when your business takes place?
We started the business back in 2012. It started because we had both broken iPhones & iPads, and there was no service center is trustworthy and secure our beloved devices.
Was it a relatively easy ride to start the business or have you any difficulties? How did you overcome them?
As someone who has gone through a start-up will tell you, it can be a roller coaster ride. We found that educating people who are not all technology repairs are created equally could be quite difficult. Even until now, we see many people bring their Apple gadgets for us after another repair center "tried" to fix it, but it makes the situation worse. We slowly learned the symptoms, implement the QC and do our best to fix all Apple devices.
Why repair technology path you have chosen for your business?
We were in love with the technology since we were younger, so many people still raises questions about their gadgets anyway. Also, it may sound cliché, but when you see smiling people's faces when they get their beloved devices back to the "death" is very satisfying .
Who are your customers / market
All Apple users are our customers ?; those with iPhones, iPads, MacBooks and iMacs. The customer himself could be individuals or companies.
What was the reason behind building your business only to repair Apple products? What are the specific products that you manage?
The choice was quite easy to do. not have much capital it has invested in early and store all parts of Android phones myriads there would be suicide startup. By focusing only on Apple devices, our inventories can be manageable and it would be easier for us to maintain a high level of service. We are proud to do good work, so focus comes naturally. Currently, we support the repairs for iPhones, iPads, MacBooks and iMacs. And focusing only on the Apple brand, we would be able to learn about the issues and become more professional and the best there is in fixing all devices from spare parts replacements resolution problems IC, etc.
Who are your main competitors? What distinguishes you from other repair shops gadget?
We will not say that we have a competing head-to-head because of how we do our service and warranty are quite different from the others. By focusing on getting the job done and provide warranty coverage (not only on the parts that we set), we give our customers peace of mind. When you bring your device to us, we make sure that everything works before returning to you. Our 90-day warranty is given so that if something does not work within 90 days, we will repair it for free.
Henry Lucman the middle
What is your role in Dr. Gadget?
My role is also the director for Dr. Gadget to oversee the expansion of stores, concepts and other value-added services we can give our customers such as SPM (Service protection accession), envelopes and other accessories that are good and affordable to the Apple community.
What are the main gadget damage your clients come to you for? Were there cases where you need to consult an Apple subsidiary directly to resolve the request of a customer?
There are no major damage, because there are so many varieties of clients. But we re-launched with success iPhones damaged by water that has been left to rot for a month. Cracked screen issues and battery are the norm. The main culprits for the damage is usually because customers dropped the device, damage of water or normal wear. We have our affiliate partner abroad to exchange information about how to troubleshoot the unit .
What did you study in college? How interest in the technology sector, especially repair, are you from?
Like many Asian students studying abroad, I took a major in business with the plan to help the family business after graduating. But when I finished my studies, I jumped in the dot-com bubble origin working in a dot-com company in Singapore (Lycos Asia). Being involved in the technology industry is liberating and I hung on it. I tried it and set up other companies related technologies (such as VoIP) and failed. But it is a learning process that is useful for the next start.
You now have two stores Dr. Gadget in fX and Mangga Dua. How the progress of your business done between the first and second store?
First shops are always the hardest. We had to learn about the behavior and expectations of Indonesian customers and adjust on the fly. He also took over a year to learn and train technicians to the current standard, sales representatives in stores on how to respond appropriately to customers, etc. Our second store was recently launched in February 2014. The companies were picking up regularly because we have more customers through word of mouth, ads, websites, banner ads, and also works with telecom operators.
Where do you get the parts to replace damaged items iphone / ipad with? Are they original parts manufacturers Apple?
We obtain the best parts there of our suppliers overseas. When using original / best parts would certainly help, it will not be optimal if not supported by our QC procedures and internal training continues.
How do you bill your customers for repairs?
We calculate compensation based on the costs and the service of the replacement part. We are not the cheapest, but we get the job done. We try to answer all levels of iPhone customers. But again, we try to balance the three ethos of service - good, cheap, FAST:
1. Good service cheap is not fast
2. Good service Quick will not be cheap
3. A fast cheap is not good
How many employees do you have in Dr. Gadget?
We currently have 12 people and constantly growing.
How easy / hard is it to start a small medium-sized company in Indonesia?
The entrepreneurial spirit is always a learning process. It is never easy, especially with the challenges of obtaining quality of human resources, unhealthy competition, and obscure regulations always looming in the background. But we also believe long as we strive to do our best, the rest will take care of itself.
How do you see your business growing in the coming years? Are there plans to expand and open more branches soon?
We intend to open one or two branches in Jakarta at the end of the year. For next year, we plan to open four more branches in Jakarta and other parts of Indonesia, including Bali.
Thanks for your time, Henry! Contact Henry, email info@doc-gadget.com