The best golf lesson I ever - Lifestyle Center Definition

The best golf lesson I ever

The best golf lesson I ever -

Playing Golf one of the best lessons on the golf swing I ever received was on a baseball field in Jakarta, and not the practice tee or driving Range Riviera or Augusta. I played softball on a local team in Senayan last few years, and at the time, I was struggling with my batting average; I'm either deleting, hitting pop flies or made low in double plays earth. One of my teammates at the time, affectionately known as "thrasher" gave me very good advice: "Keep your hands back as long as possible before you swing." I do not think I understood then what he was talking about, but I tried it and it worked. I waited until the last second to swing the bat; my body moved and turned first and I waited to use my arms and hands well into the swing. My average improved stick.

Today, I understand the lesson stick "thrashers to mean that the body starts the process and the rotating body causes the swing, not the arms. Of course, this is also true in golf. In fact, it's the legs and hips both golf and softball should begin the swing. You can clearly see in professional baseball.

Golf Swing Barry Bonds, one of the greatest hitters of all time, for example, begins his powerful swing with the lower body, legs and hips, while the arms follow along after. The shoulders and arms add them to a powerful swing, but are only part of the story. Most great hitters in baseball have strong and weak legs powerful muscles of the hips and trunk middle section of the body. Their bat speed is certainly multiplied by the upper body: shoulders, arms and hands, but make no mistake, the energy source comes from the lower body; legs and hips.

Whether you play in your Tuesday night league beer Senayan City or Nassau Rp.20,000 come this Saturday at Gading Raya: "Keep your hands back"