closed networks. A limit on friends. Strong privacy settings. He is the way, of course.
The social network, launched in 2010, has received little attention from users in the United States after an initial peak of advertising, but quickly gained a foothold abroad, especially in Indonesia. That's why the way up $ 25 million from a group of investors, including the Bakrie Group, one of the leading conglomerates in Indonesia, in January.
At the same time, social influence of Asian media is growing, especially in the third most populous country; Indonesia. The country has a large young population (unlike Japan), cheap and high speed reliable wireless (unlike India), and few government restrictions or censorship (unlike China). Silicon Valley Jakarta ignores at its own peril.
Indeed, as social media becomes more and more fragmented, the popularity of way among Internet savvy Internet users in Indonesia, with increased depth and commitment of the user experience, can lead the way in a fluid, connected, mobile driven future.
building networks on networks
Use of Social Media Asia
Jakarta tweets than any other city worldwide, representing 2.4% of all tweets worldwide. In fact, Indonesians Tweet with much more regularity and with larger circles of followers than their American brethren, demonstrating a critical point. Not only are many Indonesians are using social media, but they use most often, in a variety of ways, often simultaneously with other networks. Tweets emphasize Instragram photos, direct friends to messages, or invite them to join their private road.
A clear reason for the way up here is its integration with in early versions. users have found that the presence of a private road network was a perfect complement to its open chatter. Each site can be used simultaneously for different purposes; a talk for world traffic and the other to plan an evening with your closest friends.
In fact, the path is claiming the niche abandoned there global growth for years. Few in Asia realize that was originally a closed network. When began to grow in Indonesia in 2008 (then as a market to buy and sell property, now announcing a rapidly growing e-commerce markets of Indonesia), he hardly resembled his university, beginning privacy oriented. The introduction of road has been adding a new dimension to social media never seen before. As circa 2005 road was swallowed by the students, then the middle class Indonesians.
the social media capital
is now used as many Indonesians told me, as a web-version of a photo ID . As when entering a nightclub, it is your gateway to the inside, but once you get past security, the real reason that Indonesians are using social media - gossip, information, relationships -. Firmly with the new specific networks like path
They focus on mobile technology and respond to specific niches of user experience. In fact, Indonesia is one of the first to adopt new applications of social communication which barely penetrated many Western markets. Mobile apps Kakao, WeChat, and any account online Indonesia as one of their main markets. Over 60% of Indonesians with the use of Internet access from mobile phones or mobile devices to access the internet, and for those using smartphones, it is applications that are the initial point of entry social media. Therefore, in Jakarta today, get people to use e-mail or PC is almost impossible -. If you want a quick answer, you'd better send a Tweet or messages
This corresponds perfectly to the way of objective, according to CEO Dave Morin, was to build a network that allows for richer, deeper communication, allowing for social media to strengthen relationships. He understands that we can not have as many real connections in our lives - therefore a limit on the friends (currently 150). Other features include a targeted mobile interface, private chat, and notably no way to post messages or photos with others on your profile or wall. Perhaps tellingly, since its release, the path has been moving in the opposite direction of , to more privacy, enabling users to designate newly inner circles and share content in as little as two or three people, and nobody else.
It is certain that the path will not be the last tool of social media to make his mark in Indonesia. Currently in Jakarta path is along , , and WeChat on local Blackberrys and Android smartphones. So far, Indonesians have mostly adopted social media tools developed outside the country. This could be changing. As startup incubators and technology networks grow in cities like Jakarta, but also Bangkok, Manila and Singapore, perhaps the next path, Kakao, WeChat or come directly from the capital of the world.