relationships are full of drama. And nobody brings drama better than the group without lucrative purpose community theater, Jakarta players. This amateur theater group, composed of amateurs, professionals and semi-pros from all walks of life celebrated the opening of their 50 e birthday with a mixture of short pieces that we remember why we love love.
The first piece was one of my favorites of the show, Time Flies David Ives. Two mayflies - played by Nicky Yuventius Norman and Anela Metta Suyadana - are on a date and end up back in his place. They tune Life on Earth , a documentary by Sir David Attenborough (very realistic, but humorously played by Andrew Trigg), only to discover that they live for only one day and are set to perish at dawn . Loved the development of their relationship; their playful, flirtatious buzzing starts very innocent, and ends with a sassy friction antennas of the other. Although funny, this play is a poignant message :. Do not spend time to lose and live life to the fullest, while two mayflies fall in love and decide to fly together to Paris before dying
The second part was more serious in nature right to stay by Melanie Marnich, telling the story of an adulterous husband to go home to his wife and son, who were both aware of his cheating ways. Props to David Knowles for his first class action as the father, and his wife on stage, anger and indignation of Gene Sugandy was very expressive and moving.
Play three was a coup d'hilarious look at a couple who just got married on their first dance in Mr & Mrs Julie Marie Myatt, played by Marissa Anita and David Knowles and directed by Michael Donovan. Both actors are top notch and kudos to management; the camera with a flash in the public, taking pictures of the couple, said such humor, especially with Marissa Anita reactions to it. The best line of the piece: the newly married wife said, "Honey, there's something I have to tell you. I married you for your money, "received a newly married husband answered," Well, darling, I married you for your body! "A laugh-out-loud riot.
Last but certainly not least, Check Please by Jonathan Rand, directed by Heriska Suthapa, was another of my favorites. Who has not had a bad first date? Two singles (Nurza Prisca and Yuventius Nicky Nurman) have their fair share extremely funny, extremely terrible first dates (dates played by Maureen Simatupang, Chris Bates, Fasola and Andrew Trigg); a disorder of multiple personality victim, a high school student, an old lady, over-eager and over-the-top slime ball, someone who simply listening not a football fanatic, a man with each phobia under the sun, a man in his bathrobe, and a mime. Ultimately, single jostling by accident, reminding us that sometimes to find love, you just have to stop looking.
All proceeds from this show go to Habitat for Humanity Indonesia. Players Jakarta scene around three shows a year and open hearings for each. For more information and participate on stage or backstage, visit