We may look back to 2014, with some pride. Recent achievements include democratic elections which said the former political elite to go; while economic development over the past two or three decades is quite impressive and led to the rise of a middle class - accompanied by a proliferation of shopping centers; excellent restaurants and dazzling variety; daily additions to the number of cars, mobile phones, tablets and pads.
The latest book by Naomi Klein Read This changes everything, capitalism vs The climate, and pride turns into a thrill.
argues convincingly that if climate change (ie, the increase in global temperatures caused by greenhouse gas emissions) is real, and that, despite the fact that negotiations on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions began in 1990, we now face the very real possibility that the initially planned 2 degrees centigrade increase in temperature will be exceeded by two to four degrees. Increased melting of Arctic glaciers and sheets can be provided, resulting in rising sea levels, more frequent and more severe flooding, and eventual disappearance of many coastal and island countries as the north coast of Java and the Maldives. And then there will be droughts, severe droughts that could affect agricultural production, especially in tropical areas, more frequent and more severe storms, hurricanes, typhoons and other natural disasters.
? This changes everything
by Naomi Klein
Publisher: Allen Lane (09/16/2014)
Klein analyzes in detail how we, humanity, managed to maneuver us into this unenviable position and comes with a single word to encompass all this :. capitalism
As the book title suggests, "capitalism" is, in this context, set directly against "climate". And the neo-liberal system, market-oriented is praised for bringing extraordinary wealth and economic growth, but blamed for the damage inflicted to the environment. The rivers have been polluted by the uncontrolled dumping of waste, and the air's carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas. And more against the grain, Klein argues that the parties of capitalism are the main culprit is " Free Trade " and " the constant desire for economic growth without end . "
in the words of Klein," there is no doubt that the architecture of the trade and economic ideology embedded within it have played a central role in sending emissions into hyperdrive . " Multinational due scour the globe in search of the cheapest and most exploitable labor. Led by the United States, spent the journey through Mexico and Central America, in South Korea, but in the late 1990s, China had become the main destination- " a country where wages were extraordinarily low ... and the state was apparently ready to spend unlimited funds on massive infrastructure projects ... all to ensure that the lights remained in the factories and the products made from the lines assembly on container ships on time. the dream of a free trader, in other words, and a climate nightmare ".
There are many people who do not believe that that is the case, while others deniers argue that the "system" will come up with technical solutions to these climate problems. And a third group of funds in rich countries argue that it is the fault of China, India and Brazil ... " Why bother cutting our own [US] when all emissions Everyone knows that the rapidly developing economies are the real problem . "
unfortunately carbon dioxide continues to accumulate in the atmosphere and temperatures continue to rise.
The only action that can ease this process and ultimately save the Earth, would be a redesign of our economic system.
Transport, energy, agriculture, industrial production, forestry, land use, urban planning, and all other aspects of the economic system must be modified to reduce emissions. Urban centers will be redesigned and safe for walking and cycling; electrical energy from fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas need to be replaced by renewable energy (wind, solar, geothermal, hydro); Industrial and agricultural production should as far as possible to avoid long journeys for its raw materials and finished products; and everyone-producers, consumers, public administrators should reduce their ecological footprint.
A wide range of creative government policies and strategies, ambitious and comprehensive, such as " sweeping bans on polluting activities, the deep subsidies for green alternatives, costly penalties for violations of new taxes, new public works programs, reversing the privatization ... "will be necessary to initiate, guide and direct this new economy, the free market system does not provide good indicators.
it must be understood that this does not mean a return to the ships of the mower and carts pulled by horses. no, it would be enough to live like we did in the 1970s, we can still enjoy all the beautiful things that we are accustomed, but production processes and philosophies behind the production process must be changed with a switch to clean energy and low emission transport-fumes. Start by walking, cycling and traveling by light rapid transit systems.
In Jakarta, as in many other capitals, most of this is not yet feasible, but sooner rather than later a start must be made by improving the infrastructure and the mindset to make it possible.
corporate elites and capitalists unless, that is, CEOs, CFOs, traders, shippers, miners, loggers and almost everyone who has an interest in our market-driven economy , will hardly be enthusiastic about this prospect. In fact, they are the main funds, lobbying for a continuation, if not acceleration, current production methods.
And apart from the top-down interventions truck, the most important role in bringing the economic cycle on another tack and save the world is reserved for the people. Described by Klein as " Blockadia ", a non-specific location where resistance ignites " with increasing frequency and intensity where mining projects are trying to dig and drill , either for open pit mining, or fracking of gas, or oil sands. "
Blockadia happening around the world and is essentially a people-driven demand for clean air, water and unpolluted soil where current and future generations can live in peace .
in the words of Klein: " in other words, the mass social movement can save us now. Because we know that the current system, unchecked, is directed. ... In reaching this dystopia, all we have to do is keep barreling down the road we are on. The only remaining variable is whether some countervailing power will emerge to block the road, and at the same time erase some alternative routes to destinations that are safer. If that happens, well, that changes everything . "