Jakarta on a day of pollution clean air
in 1994, there was a estimated at 1.38 million vehicles (cars, motorcycles, trucks and buses) in Jakarta; 27 years later in 2011, the number of vehicles is estimated to have increased eight times to 11.3 million and yet believe it or not, the air pollution index measured by an internationally recognized (TSP - particulate suspended PM10 - particles below 10 microns, sulfur dioxide SO 2 , the nitrogen dioxide - NO 2 , carbon monoxide - CO) is generally less than it was in 1994. given that 70 percent of urban air pollution is due to the emission of polluting gases and tiny particles of toxic substances such as soot and lead through the combustion of gasoline and other hydrocarbon fuels in vehicles, how is that possible when there is eight times the number of vehicles on the streets of the capital? What pure hand or fraud tower and simple is being committed here by a government that is considered by the international community and its own people as being somewhat economical with the truth?
In fact, none since, apart from a few isolated voices, the press of Indonesia generally locked on the international fixation with Jakarta being one of the most polluted cities in the world in terms of quality air and some clues ranks among the top three, and this perception is rarely if ever challenged by the government.
Air pollution in Jakarta is bad and causes untold suffering through respiratory diseases to millions of residents with an estimated $ 3.8 million annual increase in health care costs. In 2003, on average only 18 days residents had "good air" where air pollution parameters meets national and international standards. By 2010, this had increased to 27 "good" or "clean" days of air despite the addition of another 5 million vehicles in the streets of the city. PM10 levels, which averaged 68.6? G / m 3 in 2008 and were deemed by Jakarta Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD) for up to 48.5? G / m 3 in 2010, are well above the upper limit of 20? g / m 3 recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The city has a long way to go in cleaning up its air before it can compete with Washington, Tokyo or Paris, where PM10 levels are 18, 23 and 38? G / m 3 respectively, but the air is far cleaner than most industrial cities in China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Mongolia and Mexico, where PM10 levels exceed usually 250? g / m 3 with the Iranian city of Ahvaz had an annual average PM10 372? g / m 3 and suggest that Jakarta is one of the most polluted cities in the world is both false and dishonest when there are probably more than 150 cities with the worst air that Jakarta .
Pollution in Tehran
The reason Jakarta managed to cope reasonably well in reducing air pollution, unlike his efforts apparently useless for treating congestion, is because the government has implemented a number of significant reforms over the last 20 years who have had the effect of slowing the open waste burning (a major contributor to pollution air in 1994), taken from old smoky vehicles in the streets, began the process of de-leading of gasoline, implemented, although subdued, controlling vehicle emissions and applied the control laws stricter industrial emissions. But these measures could not, alone accounted for improving somewhat paradoxical quality of the air. By far the largest contribution came from the automakers themselves especially car companies and Japanese motorcycles like Honda, Toyota, Suzuki and Yamaha whose engine fuel consumption, many catalytic converters, must meet strict standards national and international programs. Although buses and diesel trucks spewing black smoke are still visible on the roads of Jakarta, they are a relatively rare sight over there 10 or 15 years. The maintenance of diesel engines for trucks and commercial fleets bus has improved dramatically over the last decade. All these factors contributed to Jakarta improve its air quality, but the city still has a mountain to climb before its citizens can live 365 days of clean air per year.