Made Bayak with his wife and son Dewi Damar
children need good models. This is especially true in Bali, where modernity collides head-on with the tradition, in this rapidly changing world, it is the younger generation who are most vulnerable.
"Education is the key," says the contemporary Balinese artist, social activist, musician and father Made 'Bayak' Muliana. "The Indonesian youth are addicted to consumer gadgets and other trappings of modern consumer society. More education is needed to inform them about their behavior. "
" Through my art and music, I can link with people of all ages and backgrounds and communicate what I believe is important, "said Bayak.
social groups such as schools, art associations and channels, even the family became Bayak of uses to communicate, and in the case of the art exhibition Arm family , held in August 2012, he is his own family that becomes the platform on which to express a key message.
Born in 1980 in Tampaksiring, Bali Central, Bayak studied fine arts at the Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Denpasar from 1999 to 2006. It was here he met his future wife Komang Kartika Dewi, a graduate of ISI and teaches art in Sukawati Junior High School. With their young son Damar Langgit in Arm family , by the stories in their paintings, they all stressed the importance of parents and adults are positive role models for children.
"Being a role model is something I am aware, and Damar, rather than trying to teach, I am careful to highlight the need for him to care - about the people, animals and nature. I trust his intelligence and I'm already noticed positive results in its action, art, performance and music. "
Bayak is dedicated to his community as a member of the Sanggar Anak Tangguh ( building strong kids) organization Banjar Wangbung, Sukawati, where he lives with his family. Created by local parents answer the shortcomings of the Balinese public education system, Sanggar Anak Tangguh offers weekly workshops focusing on the development of children. Since 2010, every Sunday morning Bayak facilitates art classes to maintain and improve the creative innate abilities of children
Mother and child -. 2013
Not only recent exposure children and Imagination of Sanggar Anak Tangguh in collaboration with the art collective Seniwati the fine sand Art Gallery in Sanur, Oct / Nov was a testimony to the creative prowess of the participants but also highlights the growing trend of art exhibitions for children in Bali.
Although he has strong opinions about the environment and its rapid state of deterioration in Bali, Bayak, however, is literally manifest his ideas in a distinctive style of art. "The issue of pollution has inspired me to develop my art using plastic waste as an environmental statement," he said.
Through a process of experimentation, Bayak developed a technique laminating plastic bags, packaging and packaging to create a surface on which he draws and stencils images, and then coats the works behind a glass layer topics are cultural icons;. Barong (Balinese symbol of universal benevolence ), Balinese dancers in traditional costumes, and decorative cultural reasons, for example.
the resulting visual effect combines plastic crumpled textures with dynamic color and branding logos juxtaposed against images black and inked stencil, creating strong aesthetic contrasts.
Plasticology , the Bayak artistic project that began in late 2012, has a series of art exhibitions throughout Bali that will continue on the new year. However, in 2014, he plans to turn knowledge into new workshops that can assist in local junior schools.
In September during Global Networking Initiatives (IPM) program 2013, Bayak led a group of children and teachers of local international schools on a field trip to the plastic trash investigation at the beach Padang Salak, Sukawati. After cleaning the debris was sorted and analyzed and the information was uploaded to marine basic identification data of the wild Teac debris. The children then created strategies to reduce the use of plastic as well as other related educational purposes.
"In this business, I want to create a presentation on plastic waste and dangers that will eventually form a model, I hope will be shared within the local public education system," Bayak said. "during the field visits, we will clean the areas selected, recording data of our findings, and complete the creation of works of art of the litter."
Rangda Nata Ing Dirah - 2013
Bayak I asked whether such a project would be difficult to implement in an education system compared to foreign standards looks outdated and lack of vision. "At the local school teachers are some of my friends," he said. "I am convinced that these teachers of the same generation as myself understand the virtues of such a program and give me the support to the workshops become a reality."
On recent controversial issues that captured attention of local media, the Benoa Harbor reclamation project and the political rhetoric surrounding the Hindu Balinese philosophy of Tri Hita Karana (the man lives in harmony with the environment natural and gods) and sustainable tourism in Bali, Bayak is a severe criticism of the Balinese government. "We have heard enough of their nonsense," Bayak said in response to local government ideas.
The music is another channel for creative Bayak, a guitarist in the heavy metal band rock Geekssmile whose mission via the lyrical content of his music and social activism, is to contact and be a voice for the younger generation. Geekssmile is a permanent fixture on the local music scene and regularly contribute to campaigns and social awareness events.
"What is important is that I do something in my own small way. I am convinced that this will be an inspiration for others to do similar things, but in a big way, do collectively and to forge new relationships with the community. "
in Balinese contemporary art world there is a minority of artists willing to make social statements. Few, however, are driven to become activists. Bayak is the only one for his social conscience and his contributions to the local community.