Thirty-six years after his death at the age of 116, the first comprehensive presentation of works of I Gusti Nyoman Lempad is now available. On the Arma Museum in Ubud 19 June th 2014, the book was officially launched. Edited by Ana Gasper and Antonio Casanovas with Images Publishers' of the Netherlands, it is the first significant catalog and the most famous Balinese artist biography. The 300 page volume is a comprehensive presentation of the work of Lempad; biography, social and cultural environment, all accompanied by rich illustrations. The book launch included among its guests, prominent members of the Royal Family of Ubud. Ubud palace was primarily boss Lempad. Guests were treated to one of the most influential literary icons Goenawan Mohamad of Indonesia.
The book is the result of seven years of work to produce a definitive book on this unique artist. Ana and Antonio have been fascinated by the works of Lempad when they first saw his drawings to Neka Museum two decades ago. They looked for books about him in vain. The project has taken all over the world in search of the art of the artist's most distinguished Bali whose work has been done and shown abroad as early as 1930. They collaborated with the author Jean Cocteau, an expert on Balinese art who has written several books and essays on various artists of Bali.
Born shortly after the mid-nineteenth century, Lempad began his work as Balinese Undagi (architect master builder) and Sanging (religious artist). This work integrated the encoded knowledge of the architecture, art, religion, and sacred formulations; space and the relationship of the human body in space, iconography and mythology of culture. His works are traditional sculptures of the temple statues, masks, wayang puppets, cremation towers, sarcophagi and nagas . Identify some of his creations is complicated because he never signed his works. All "signed" have been made so by family members to write the title and artist acknowledgment. The most reliable source for Lempad was his son, I Gusti Made Sumung who worked with John Darling and Lorne Blair on an award-winning documentary that tells the story of the artist at the end of his life and his cremation films. The documentary is entitled "Lempad Bali" (1980).
Lempad Bali
Lempad built most of the temples and palaces in Ubud and its villages neighbors. her exact birthday is unknown, but we know he was married when Krakatau left in 1883. when he died on 25 April e in 1978, he gathered his family around him and asked to bathe him, then died. the Balinese has said he chose the most opportune time to transmit saint, surrounded by his family.
He maintained close friendships with Rudolf Bonnet and Walter Spies. Lempad internationally is most famous for his drawings after 1925 after meeting Walter Spies, who provided him with paper and materials and most likely introduced her to the works of other illustrators. He continued to draw in black and white through the Great War, the struggle for Indonesian independence and after independence until his death. He never compromised its distinctive identity as a Balinese artist. It is a bridge between traditional and modern art. The art of Lempad is beyond the influence. His drawings are not limited to one style, although his "lines" are identifiable; its styles vary from traditional to surreal, to simple representations of everyday life. He drew the story, continuing its tradition as an artist, architect and sculptor for the House of Sukawati Ubud.
Lempad a Master Balinese Timeless is available in bookstores Periplus. For other locations, contact