Arian Tigabelas Seringai of
There's an expression I've always loved, "When in Rome".
To Bali and the music scene, I think the phrase should be "When in Bali, go with the flow."
Therea few weeks, my wife and I were invited to a "party" by Leo and Liz Sinatra to their charming shop and cafe on the main road to Batu Balan.
"Nothing too big," Leo said. "Some bands, the great music, very casual. "
" We expect about 1,000 people! "
to date, my music experience on Bali was limited to attending some pretty fine jazz concerts in Seminyak, Legian and Sanur where I began to realize that serious musical talent in the tropics abounds. apart from this, live music for me was about listening to "Hotel California" played yet and aspiring bands coverage in restaurants and bars throughout the sights. Then suddenly here was the opportunity to discover the "real gen. X "Bali sounds close and personal for the first time.
Leo Sinatra is the founder and guitar virtuoso Suicidal Sinatra, a group that continues to expand its fan base at lightning speed throughout Indonesia. Its all started last folly of Rockabilly, Psychobilly or Indonesia, and now has a growing fan base in the country.
Leo and Liz welcomed us warmly when we arrive the place just after 18 hours. I look around and see that there are less than fifty people sitting around looking relaxed, not rushed at all. This could be a rather quiet evening.
not a luck
Seems the neighbors were a little upset when told that there are about a thousand revelers and nine bands that descend on them to blow their peaceful Friday night into oblivion !
"We had to change the venue at the last minute," said Leo as if it were akin to move furniture from one room to another. "Can you travel with the group to the new site in Singapadu
?" Sure, "I say," So we'll travel with you? "
" No, you go to go with them, "he responds by showing a van just pulled up.
Out spills some of the best bunch of guys I've met in a long time. They are rock titans based Jakarta Seringai (smile), costs just to have opened for Metallica two nights before, and they are here to Leo as a party!
the evening is definitely looking up! Go with the flow
We jump on board and meander our way through the dark villages along the country roads lined with trees !; gossip in the busy bus and unpretentious. Sitting behind us are completely devoid of superstars ego, wanting to know more about what we do rather than the reverse. the place appears to be a small stage used, I presume, for sporting events interior. The thousand "revelers" have arrived and are in full voice, bopping to the bands lead. Roadies swarming scenes; casual groupies politely seek autographs of my companions as we are led to the VIP tent.
I feel like a rock star!
An atmosphere of bonhomie prevails, with the bands swapping playful banter and discuss difficult agreements, while I like the free Bintangs! We take our seats in the stands where I showed that Leo called psychobilly rock. And rock it does!
The Sinatras Suicidal play strong, fast and incredibly tight music, which seems to spread their souls. The crowd laps it.
Leo Sinatras Sinatra suicial
This is a group that is destined for great things.
The transition between bands is clear that punk-looking roadies, complete with a Mohawk haircut vibrant, set up for the headline act. The mosh pit is boiling with punks, rastas and head bangers awaiting their idols; the noisy atmosphere, which infects the rest of the crowd.
Seringai finally take the stage with a version of the heart-rendering "Indonesia Raya" with the crowd singing with courage and fierce pride. Arian Tigabelas, singer, commands the stage like a general leading his troops into battle; building a immediate connection with their adoring public. This is a group accustomed to the big stage and yet here they were playing as if their lives depended on it, to a relatively small crowd in rural Bali.
They (and I) loved it!
This was a night when Bali's "can-do" attitude came through loud (very loud!) And clear. A hastily rearranged place, flying in a global act of Jakarta, seamlessly parade nine bands on an improvised stage and pull together a wonderful event as if it had been months in the planning. In conclusion, if you are looking for good music on this wonderful island, "Seek and you shall find!" And remember ... go with the flow!
My thanks go once again to Leo and Liz Sinatra to make this article possible. Also look for Sinatras Suicidal - you will not be disappointed