Meet Airam Nogueira, passionate Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor who teaches martial arts as a way of life.
Airam Nogueira
Hi Airam. You have a unique name. Where are you originally and how you ended up living in Jakarta?
Hi! I'm from Sao Paulo, Brazil. I used to teach in Integração Jiu Jitsu Master Elcio under Santos Figueiredo and Teco Shinzato. My teammate, Almiro Barros, called me to teach him to Singapore to Evolve MMA, which was a great experience. While in Singapore I made good friends and came opportunity to come to Jakarta to teach Arena MMA Indonesia.
At what age did you start practicing martial arts, and in your case Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?
I started practicing judo very young, perhaps at the age of eight years old. After many years of judo practice I naturally changed me for Jiu Jitsu when I was 17.
What Jiu Jitsu teach you? How would you encourage someone who has never tried and do not feel comfortable with the idea of "taken" to try Jiu Jitsu for the first time?
Jiu Jitsu taught me many things and I think what I am today is because of Jiu Jitsu. Practice this martial art made me learn discipline, how to respect people, respect my body, gave me self-confidence and how to keep my mind strong and healthy. To encourage someone is difficult if the person is not open to challenge. Jiu Jitsu is a martial art very fun and clever - you get out of the gym routine, you work your cardio, strength, flexibility and mind. If the person does not like the idea grappling they can try to get used to it or try a different martial art that has no grappling on the ground.
What it means to have a black belt in any martial art?
The black belt watch your effort, your determination and thirst for knowledge. But the black belt, at least in Jiu Jitsu, is only the beginning, as you continue to learn every day. It does not matter if you're black belt in any martial arts because if you're not a good person, it does not mean anything. Martial art is for you to learn to be a better person.
Can you tell us about your achievements in the discipline of Jiu Jitsu
In Jiu Jitsu I won a lot of tournaments in Brazil :? I'm champion of the state of São Paulo There are some years Circuito Aberto Paulista gold medalist in 2008 and 2010, Circuito Aberto Paulista silver medalist in 2007 and 2008 Copa Brasil 2004 silver medalist, and many others. But my greatest achievements with Jiu Jitsu are my friends. I owe much of my closest friends in the world because of it. One of the best work is being able to see how Jiu Jitsu changed the lives of my students and watching them in competitions. To see my son and my wife with me training is also great.
What sacrifices have you had to do (or maybe you still do them) to become as good as you are at Jiu Jitsu?
All fighters sacrifices - train hard, lose weight, the diet hard, get injured. I had surgery on my knee because of a tournament Jiu Jitsu and some broken fingers. Sometimes you do not have a social life to keep focus for fighting. The body and mind fatigue. Combining training with work and the diet is difficult, but my greatest sacrifice is to stay away from my son so I can support it from here.
Tell us a little about Arena. When it first opened, the number of teachers and students are there and what mixed martial arts can we learn there?
Arena opened in early February and our students are growing as the days pass. A Arena you can learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) with me and with our brown belt instructor Wigraha Deddy, you can also learn Muay Thai, Boxing, and other MMA. Arena, we also have programs for children, ABC and ABC BJJ Muay Thai. And we always offer weekend programs for families, Family BJJ and Muay Thai Family. A Arena we also teach private lessons.
are beginners allowed to join? And women?
Beginners and women are always welcome -most of our Jiu Jitsu students are beginners. We have a great program for people who are just starting. We do not yet have many women training Jiu Jitsu at the arena, but it is a great martial art for them, especially because of self-defense. Women make up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu learn to defend and get as fit. Anyone can form, lean, overweight, women, children - Jiu Jitsu is an art that can put all kinds of people together, there is an art that goes beyond color, silver, and religion. When you step on the carpet, everyone is the same.
What do you think is the key to living a healthy and balanced life?
The determination and will are the key. It is difficult today to work and exercise and eat healthy foods. You must have discipline and a strong mind to combine an active lifestyle with exercise and a healthy diet.
How do you find inner peace in a very hectic city like Jakarta?
It is difficult, because in Brazil I used to live at the beach, which is much quieter than here. But I love what I do for a living. Teaching makes me feel good to see my students change, talk to my students go out with them too, and when I am training I feel good with myself. Exercise makes the body and mind stronger and healthier. And I also have my wife with me, making everything better. I have my peace all the time.
do you watch mixed martial arts fights in Jakarta? The UFC is planning their first event staged in Indonesia this year. Are you a fan of this championship and what do you think it would mean for the fighters to Indonesia for a chance to join this championship?
I have not yet had the chance to watch an MMA fight in Jakarta. I'm here for only four months, but hopefully soon have a chance to watch a fight. I'm a big fan of MMA championships and I always watch UFC when I can. I heard of the UFC to come to Indonesia, it is a great opportunity for Indonesian fighters to show their abilities, because there is so much hidden talent in Indonesia. In Asia, there are also many events that are looking for Indonesian fighters. It is right to keep the focus and training hard, and very soon we will see some Indonesian champions.
Thank you for your time, Airam.