if you actually meant more to enjoy least? Welcome to the age of "Affluenza" or gluttony, this disease is marked by stubbornly pursuing more patients, leading increasingly to symptoms such as excess, anxiety and waste (not to mention debt ) ....
Although 'Affluenza' is an assumed condition (invented by Hamilton & Denniss in a book on consumption), it can kill its victims - wondering how? Think obesity, debt-induced depression and heart attacks induced by stress, not to mention addiction. So for a disease that could ultimately lead to fatality, it is surprising that little attention it gets and why should it? With whole economies based on its infected to keep afloat its not surprising that the powerful do little to encourage caution in masses.
What are the drivers of this new strange disease that takes hold of our society? (Among others) Choice; too much of it - and I'll explain ...
(This example corresponds to almost all scenarios involving options and choices) - What happens when people are offered a chocolate from a selection in a box? Most people scan the box of chocolates, mesmerized by all that choice - they look a chocolate could taste fabulous, you pick it up in the hope of a mind blowing coat cocoa, sugar and butter (add nuts if you want). You jump in your mouth and assess, concluding that it was not the miracle you have been waiting for you chastise 'missed opportunity "and not choose a better aka another piece of chocolate that sits quietly in the box keeps its activity. In "fact" have tasted the first chocolate you (now) believe this new sitting praline taste ecstatic. Finally, overcome by curiosity, conviction or the need for the "right" choice you reach for the praline, for that "one" chocolate that tastes better ... and so the story goes.
So in this case, it is fair to say that life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you get and then try to buy the missed opportunities, you want more and end up being excessive / lenient. I enjoy your chocolates if you spend time second-guessing your choices, make up the missed opportunities and eyeing other chocolates in the box? In addition, second-guessing your choices chocolate and try to catch up on missed opportunities mean that your chocolate chocolate box ends early (you take more of it) everyone not?
Could it be that we (fueled by a culture where instant gratification and overindulgence is marketed with enthusiasm) is fascinated by the possibility of titillation rather than the value of the options we have available? Could it be that too much choice is too much of a good thing and this unusual abundance age razzle dazzles us with a lot of interesting options and distracts us to make meaningful choices? And if so, then what can you do to resist? What can you do to manage your "chocolate box" better? Maybe simplify, define what flavors / types of chocolates are your favorite because narrowing your preferences automatically increases the probability of making the right choice.
that said, the choice is not a bad thing, nor is it wrong to try to make life better - I'm asking is when can we cross the line when soft-to prosperity become? striding towards excess When not wanting to avalanche overindulgence And what do you get over it? -? the excess i mean Perhaps these questions are best left as food for thought (rather? excessive).