Makan Indonesia Sayur is a community that seeks to raise awareness of the health benefits of foods plant-based foods. With Instagram, ., and blog recently launched the initiative uses the power of social media to spread their message to the Indonesian public to live a healthy life by eating the right foods.
Sophie Navita, founder of Indonesia Makan Sayur
Being a vegan is somewhat becoming a trend. But when people spontaneously commit to a specific lifestyle, especially one that deals with a great degree of consciousness as his eating habits, they are required to face the challenges. Young people, for example, tend to proudly defend a vegan lifestyle, when in reality, they lack nutritional knowledge to be able to support such a plan.
An example that demonstrates the lack of awareness regarding the diet is protein. According to the initiator of Indonesia Makan Sayur, Sophie Navita, only 20 percent of our daily intake should consist of protein - a figure much lower than most would assume. Navita think if a person really understands nutrition, they know this is not exactly the protein that is required by the body. "When you really break it down, it is not the protein se as you need, but the amino acids, which are produced by the body when proteins are digested."
Navita understands that different diets work for different people and the key is to listen to your body and learn what works best for you. "If someone is dieting without really listening or herself, so it usually does not last long," she said.
Founded in 2003, Indonesia Makan Sayur strives to educate the public in Indonesia on the importance of eating a healthy diet. Earlier, people are not as excited when hearing the word "vegan" or "vegetarian". Because of this, Sophie tried to translate the term "plant-based" in something catchy intriguing, resulting in Indonesia Sayur Makan '. Starting originally as a simple hashtag on his personal social media, thousands of fans caught on.
With currently more than 22,000 followers on Instagram, . page and a blog launched recently, Sophie recognizes the power of social media to bring people into the conversation to consume a healthy diet, based plants. She realizes that the advantage of this online community, besides being profitable, is the ability to reach a wider audience while enabling the community to be engaged.
On his Instagram account, Indonesia Makan Sayur promotes their activities by posting pictures of food that contains no meat on "Meatless Monday"; provide healthy recipes every Wednesday with the hashtag 'Raburesep' (Wednesday's recipe); and promoting food movements across Indonesia every Tuesday and Thursday. In addition, they keep writing and competitions power to motivate more followers.
"We try to incorporate slowly eat more plants in the Indonesian way of living and thinking," said Sophie.
One of the most notable problems Sophie found in Indonesian regime is in the habit of jajan (snacking, usually purchased outside of the house). frankly, even I struggle with this, as everywhere I turn -roadsides, centers business on the campus. - I am faced with the urge to buy unhealthy snacks Although it comes with the advantage of serving tourist attraction, Sophie does not recommend this culture to continue to the point of undermining the health of a person. "to what extent are you ready to be stuffed by this jajanan culture not to let it affect your health?" She asks.
"When the Portuguese traveled here there are hundreds of years after they were spices," says Sophie. "We're so used to incorporate the spices in our kitchen," she suggests. In Consequently, Sophie said that we are dealing with the use MSG in full swing in food sold in restaurants and in the streets, as they try to meet the inherent demand of our language for savory tastes.
Sophie is also concerned about the mentality of the Indonesians when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. she thinks people will always find excuses to compensate for their unhealthy ways of eating. on the one hand, it finds that people usually blame the rapid pace of today's world as a reason why they have more time to cook for themselves.
If we understand the need not just to please our taste buds, but more importantly still nourish our bodies with nutrition, then we might have a chance for a healthy lifestyle. Sophie concluded: "Are you eating just for the momentary pleasure your language is, or are you eating to nourish your cells that actually help you run"