in quantum mechanics, the water forms beautiful shapes for fine words and bad forms for bad words. Our thoughts shape our world and our words can change the world.
"All we are is the result of our thoughts." - Buddha
International Poetry Slam in more UWRF answered all the expectations. Betel Nut Café was packed with a wide range of writers and readers from around the world. Over thirty poets have done their work. The place was packed by 19 hours a good mood, the public support whose patience endured throughout the evening, despite the sudden explosion of the music of Luna Café after intermission which continued until the end of the event. The din of the interrupted dance music and cut the flow of words; but poets have maintained their pace and slammed on.
The event was MC'd by hip hop artist Luka lesson Slam Champion Australian poetry and present co-director of the Center for Poetics and justice in Melbourne. He not only made the show with professional grace but later delighted the audience with a strong performance of its powerful poems.
The judges were drives the audience to professional writers such as Lemn Sissay UK, the Spark Catchers poem was commissioned by the 2012 Olympic Games was also commissioner of first Festival of world literature of the sea. Mr. Sisay initially shocked the public with its low scores, as if its standards were well above the hills of Ubud. He then delivered a speech of gratitude and respect to all participants, followed by his own work. His words staccatoed in a torrent of admissions and truths. We were impressed. He gave his highest score in winning writer.
Tah Riq delivered two solid poems endowed with a presentation of talent and potential. winner of last year, Pablo Gentile, whose delivery was almost completely drowned out by the music side, instilled a long silence pained when his last words to O 'Obama sounded like the music came to a halt. "You're just another politician!" The silence was deafening. It is clear that there were no anarchists in the room.
pay lesson since the final results should be read again, rock music drums and the room was stifling. He brought order to the chaos and the final judgment was reached.
Neal Hall of United States and author of the award-winning book Nigger for Life has apologized for a brilliant delivery, saying that he has not previously participated in the slam. his words recall the end of Langston Hughes, in charge of humility and force. tinged with anger of the soul on the ice by Eldridge Cleaver, the two major influences on the American Civil Rights Movement his first poem was a sincere response to the fierce abuse its ancestral lineage of the slaves endured, with the emphasis on endurance and suffering of women in particular. He deplores the complete loss of connections to the traditions and cultures of a shared past. His second poem was a summation of current events using expressions and rhythms of the Star Spangled Banner and the Pledge of Allegiance. A brilliant performance because he has not done, he read his work. His words spoke for themselves and the truth lingered in the air.
The power of thoughts and words ...