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I could make a game of stupid words on the infamous coffee Olivier - and easily work this joke in another article - but our spokesman Clandestine would like to discuss the finer other drinks available items ; and you believe there is a lot!
It was a Saturday night, well at least according to the security guard at the entrance, who dismissed potential diners daring to enter reservation. Fortunately for our group, we had booked in advance. Upon arrival, I noticed the previous changes to the reservation were noted in the booking log. The three hostesses were quite accommodating languorous and distinguished, if somewhat meaningless in repose and response. If we stray too far from the exchange of standard welcome, improvisation proved difficult to manage. A simple question answered with a resounding "Huh?" Good thing we arrived ahead of our reservation to taste some of the best clothes in the bar while they rearranged our table.
Obscured by a looming wall that used to separate the bakery the main restaurant, one side of Olivier was impressive spruce, adorned style that is popular around 1920 elite culinary scene Jakarta. elegant details abound cushy, private cabins with golden bar stools. However, at the other end of the main dining room, there was a conservatory air of madness where an explosion of ferns hanging on the walls and ceiling. It was like two completely different spaces; a slightly incongruous split.
That night, there were plenty of beautiful young patrons to harm the pot decoration - smoking cigarettes and sipping drinks with the Vietnamese coffee is one of the most popular to decorate the tables. The impressive sound system makes the conversation a bit difficult throughout the evening, and it pains me to admit our group enjoyed affluent intermittent smooth jazz songs that provided a little respite sound.
We were pleasantly surprised by cocktails and barmen who skillfully swished, confused and paid their creations in beautifully detailed chalices. Olivier cocktails were as good as any known in Jakarta. My predilection for the tart and refreshing led me to the Jade Gimlet, which was a lovely combination of each flavor profile I prefer: green apple, celery, lime and gin. The Sladzky was reminiscent of raspberry Lip Smacker even I used to smear constantly on my lips, as a young man. Even now I am not sure how to feel about a drink that taste flavored balm for lips, but I have to give credit to the competence of those who created this unique concoction. Overall, a great success was had sampling of the menu bar.
Expectations rode high for dinner. The menu was a schizophrenic mixture French Italian, American, Vietnamese and Asian, Contemporary.
Unfortunately, this encyclopedia kitchen did little to satisfy our appetites. The service was fine, except for a few awkward - when presented with a happy hour 2-for-1 special, I think it must be correct for the days on which it was proposed, not canceled after all the world had already ordered their drinks. To their credit, there were reductions few "Happy Hour" took off our cocktail orders at the end of the meal, but they are not the same as indicated by our server, nor was giving us notice of the reduction . I'm always a little disappointed to meet the staff genuinely friendly and ready waiting only to be disappointed by their lack of knowledge, training and awareness for a quality dining experience.
Everything that happened was edible with some unexceptional dishes in detail. fish sauce in the nuoc cham which accompanied the fresh Vietnamese spring rolls was overwhelming - a lime juice and palm sugar slightly cooler would do well enough for balance. Nobody wants a bite of raw fish sauce.
Photo Courtesy of Jktgo.com
The Wagyu Brisket Brisket 72 hours seemed like a winner on paper - I considered juicy and tender sliced brisket. What I received, however, was a few thin slices dry and stringy beef dipped in a sauce of vinegar massively BBQ pond. The only redeemable part of the dish was excellent potato wedges. Fried crispy, not greasy, with the goodness of fluffy-inside potatoes; I could have eaten a whole bowl of potato Cajun-seasoned sprinkled with a couple of pints of lager, but on this occasion not to call these antics, unfortunately. In fact, if the only excitement generated on a plate of food is fancy fries, and the kitchen has larger issues with which to fight.
The Risotto Hainan style was a popular dish with food bloggers and guests, and although tasty, there was nothing that looked like a good Hainan chicken rice dish. The only similarities are that both contained chicken and rice. The flavor of this dish was much more powerful, with the kitchen lend heavier hand aromatics and salt. Hainan chicken rice traditional to is all about the fluffy chicken essence infused into the soft rice with succulent poached chicken and a ginger top note of the sauce. A Olivier, the chicken was pan-roasted with external clenched, and the risotto was creamy with a chicken broth strongly seasoned. Maybe he would have served this dish to rename something closer to its Franco-Italian roots, or better yet, stay true to the original dish and ease off on some of the seasoning and poach or confit meat instead.
Despite some missteps in the sector, two dishes of the evening was the note: roast duck breast with Kecap manis and daikon pickles, and steak to pepper . The duck breast was cooked beautifully medium rare, and was accompanied by a sweet soy sauce heady. Say what you will about the sweet ubiquitous condiment, it will pair well with a good piece of duck. Pickled daikon slices up the dish, and he provided a glimpse of what the genius Olivier could do with a modern Asian cuisine. In addition, the steak presented a juicy sirloin strip with a delicious cream pepper sauce; the lick-your-plate own variety.
The explosion of the French pastries and Bakeries in Jakarta in recent years has raised the bar for dessert. Our server came to the end of the meal, with a sample of each available tonight. It would have been good service Touch except that some explanations were limited by our ability to communicate in depth. What looked like a mango mousse was indeed that. In these cases, a written menu with an adequate description for each dinner would have been better. Tasting a dessert value is the Valrhona chocolate fondant, a bitter chocolate confectionery ice cream cognac. Otherwise, forget the desserts, ask the drinks menu and order a drink.
Verdict? 3 of 5 - killer cocktails
Grand Indonesia Mall West Mall, Ground Floor, Jalan MH Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta 10310
62 21 2358 1242
check please! (2 persons)
Drinks: Rp.260,000 (208.000 after happy hour discount)
Power: Rp.673,000
Service: 10%
PJK tax options: 10%
: Rp.1,066,010