Bazuki Abdulah - Potret Seorang Gadis
complex, contradictory and politically brilliant, Sukarno engineer, the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, was a famous lover of the arts and women. For most of its eclectic collection of paintings and sculptures are now part of the Indonesian state. As the man who put the collection together, it was an inspiration, controversy and intrigue.
Sukarno attraction to art was multifaceted. Like most major collectors, the desire to own beautiful art, such as women, was innate. As a young intellectual and nationalist dedicated aspirant he seized early on that art was one of the foundations of culture and society. He also understood that art was a powerful tool of communication and identity, not only for individuals but also companies and nations.
Art is a unifier. It destroys the false boundaries and allows people of different backgrounds, social class and culture meet. This quality is his greatest dream -. To handle the various ethnic groups speaking different languages and embrace different religions to unite under one flag against the colonial oppressor
born revolutionary who dared to dream, Sukarno gathered the largest Indonesian artists of time around and urged them to support the struggle for independence by raising the consciousness of the Indonesian masses by creating a truly pan-Indonesian art. The list who responded to his call - S. Sudjojono, Hendra Gunawan, Basoeki Abdullah Affandi and even apolitical - are now in List A of Indonesian art
. In a deeply religious country with a strong sense of morality, Sukarno's penchant for portraits and sculptures of naked voluptuous women was shocking to many. The snootier denounced as a tawdry little bigger bosomed pin ups. Others spoke of the immorality and sin. Europeans sneered the man lacked taste.
In the political chaos that surrounded his disappearance and political exile, there are many stories of malfeasance that many of the most valuable works in the collection disappeared in the hands of a new elite . Suharto were not lovers of art and except for some of the major works of Raden Saleh, Arab Javanese-, who said he was a prince, most of the work was hidden in the room storage often in appalling conditions. That would change with Megawati Sukarnoputri when the first inventory and evaluation of the collection was made in over 30 years.
Perhaps the remarkable observation of one who has had the pleasure to see first hand was the number of large paintings, not only by Indonesian foreign artists but also including Diego Rivera, Tamayo and Miguel Covarubbias Mexico . There are also five exquisite oils of Indonesian historical scenes by Walter Spies, and the best work of Willem Hofker, Rudolf Bonnet, Theo Meier and Antonio Blanco. Although some naked women are dated, each collection in the world has problems and should not be judged by his mistakes, but his triumphs.
Bazuki Abdulah - President Sukarno
Before falling into negative stereotypes, take a look at the art decorating your own apartment and wonder why, in a country filled with so many amazing collectors, you are still hanging on your walls junk. Learn to dare as Sukarno.